Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria International Partners

  • H. Fourati has started a new collaboration with the Kazakhstan National Technical University (KazNTU). He curretly co-advises with Pr. Olga Shiryayeva in KazNTU, Zarina Samigulina PhD student in KazNTU. He also submitted an European project "LA STRADA" with two teams and an SME: Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo "M. Picone" (Università di Roma), the Mathematical Modeling and Scientific Computing Research Group (University of Mannheim) and Karrus (SME).

  • F. Garin has collaborations with University of Padova, Italy (S. Zampieri), University of Newcastle, Australia (D. Quevedo), with Lund University, Sweden (G. Como and E. Lovisari), and with KTH Stockholm, Sweden (D. Varagnolo)

Participation In International Programs


TeMP (Tensor-based Information modelling and Processing) is a project funded in the framework of the French-Brazilian bilateral collaboration program (FUNCAP-Inria). It started from August 2011 for a duration of two years and is coordinated for the French part by A. Kibangou. This project aims to study, analyze, propose and evaluate new models and techniques for digital communication systems using tensors and multilinear algebra tools, through in-depth theoretical analysis of mathematical models, optimization algorithms, and computational simulations. Indeed, new models should be developed for generalizing existing tensor models in order to allow the modeling of a wider class of communication systems for more realistic propagation channels including the cooperation among multiple nodes of a communication network (users or sensors). Due to dynamic change of parameters, tensor-based filtering algorithms need to be developed for information retrieval systems in cooperative communication. These algorithms should be distributed for avoiding network vulnerability and for a better management of computation and storage resources.